Importance Of Acoustic Doors In Specific Environments

Acoustic doors are the important interior solutions

In today’s world Acoustic treatment is one of the important factor and the need for noise cancelling installations has increased over the years. Acoustic doors are the prefect interior solutions for preventing noise interference.

For places like Theaters, Auditoriums and live performance venues, it is necessary to have acoustic treatment where noise and sound control is of primary concern. Therefore, good quality noise-controlling doors are required in such locations for acoustic absorption.

It is important that the building designer must consider certain factors before installing an acoustic door. Factors such as structure of the door, location and the reason why such an acoustic installation is required.

Acoustic doors are majorly required in places like Theaters, Auditoriums, Recording Studio, Libraries, Dubbing Studio etc.

Listed below are the importance of an Acoustic Door.


Normally, sound is reflected into the environment, as well as some of it being absorbed when struck onto the surface. But the reflected sound can go out of the specific room and may disturb your neighbors. Hence, acoustic doors are the best way to prevent noise interference in other rooms of a particular building or neighborhood.


Before installing an acoustic door, the engineer has to measure the time that it takes for sound to reverberate in a room. This can be the best way to select an acoustic door suitable for a specific environment such as music rooms, auditoriums, recording studio, library etc.


The most important thing to consider before installation is that a particular room or space needs to be “tuned” to work out the reverberation time of the specific area. According to which a suitable door can be selected. However, reverberation times can also be adjusted by other sound absorbers like interior furnishings.


The types of materials used in the acoustic door differs according to the building structures and it’s room. Some of the acoustic doors maybe suitable for small music rooms and not effective in auditoriums or concert halls where the sounds made by the orchestra need to reverberate in a particular way. Hence it is important to know the position of a particular acoustic door that need to be installed for better sound absorption and reverberation.

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